Friday, April 17, 2009

Impact Team Banquet

BSU is putting on a dinner to thank members of all the impact teams for their service, so all of you on Downtown Team are invited! Both of the ones I have been to have been tons of fun, and we will be celebrating what God has done during the past two semesters. Mark your calendars!

What: Impact Team Banquet

When: April 28th at 6:00 p.m.

Where: Hayes Ministry Center

Attire: Casual

I do need you to RSVP to me one way or the other by April 22 if you plan to attend. Thanks!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Art in Greenville

As you know, art has great power and can have a tremendous effect on its audience. Often artists seem to have their finger on the pulse of the city, reflecting emerging ways of thinking and positing new ones. Greenville is quickly becoming a haven for developing artists young and old, and this is something that is very encouraging to me, who remembers downtown without places such as Artist Crossing and West Greenville. Artisphere is a three-day arts festival coming up soon that never would have been possible 15 years ago.

If you're downtown for fun, I would encourage you to stop by a gallery and observe and appreciate the art you see. Ask questions about the art: 
  • Is it nihilistic? 
  • Is it happy?
  • Is it dark or light?
  • What does it say about the city? 
  • How does it portray God?
  • How does it portray man?
  • Is it sensual or jaded? 

These questions can help us better understand the culture of Greenville and how we are a part of that culture.

(Just a side note...) And by all means, if you don't like what you see or think you can do better, start creating what you want to see. The way to change the arts culture is not to theorize about why it is bad but rather to make something better and more creative.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Serving Greenville

One of our core tenets as a team is to serve Greenville in tangible ways. I wanted to let you know about two organizations who are working to make Greenville a stronger city.

  • Hands on Greenville is a non-profit organization affiliated with the United Way. They are sponsoring H.O.G. Day on Saturday, May 2nd, a day when they direct volunteers to complete service projects throughout the city. Last year, 2,800 people participated during the morning hours and gathered at Fluor Field for a huge celebration. I know that May 2nd is right in the middle of exams (I have two that morning), but if you are able, I would encourage you to participate.

  • Greenville Forward has written a vision for progress in the city by 2025. I would encourage you to read the Vision 2025 and consider how you and Downtown Impact Team fit into that vision.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Taking it to the Summit?

Dan, Andrew, and I weren't able to go to Herdklotz Park to play soccer because of the rain, so we decided to go downtown and check out the Greenville Summit instead. Last year, Cole mentioned that the management there was open to us doing a Bible study there. At the time, we had no good way to do it, but the Thursday afternoon outing may fit.

The Greenville Summit is government housing for the handicapped and is located right across Richardson Street from the bus station at the same intersection as Downtown Baptist. We talked to the receptionist there, and again she was open to the idea, so Dan, Andrew, and I started brainstorming ways to do a Bible study there.

We are looking at doing a social event towards the end of the semester and start the study next fall. Again, we're still throwing around ideas, but please be in prayer for this opportunity.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tuesday night is just all right

Another solid night at Food for Life. We saw C.W. for the first time in several months, and Bethany asked him all about the Soup Kitchen crew. Wayne and Sharon are still in the area, as is Pat, but we heard that Reggie has gotten back into trouble since he took the cooking class at the Soup Kitchen.

As for C.W. himself, he said his wrist is still hurting him but that he should start getting disability pay soon. He also wants to move into Greenville Summit, government housing for the handicapped. He told me,
"I don't know why God took away my hand. My hand was my blessing, and I used to be able to work, but now I can't even close it."
Continue to pray for perseverance for C.W.

Dan and Daniel both dealt with Doc, the self-proclaimed kingpin of the streets and spoke with Jeff as well.

Katrine caught up with Kenny, and I talk to a man named David, a writer who feels rejected by society. He has a 15-year-old daughter who is on the Honor Roll at Tanglewood Middle School. Although he feels outcast by the world, he said that he sees a clear difference between the churches and the world. That was encouraging to hear.