Hey friends,
I hope you are enjoying the break, maybe getting a chance to rest and catch up on homework. We have set a date for our annual Thanksgiving meal (carnival)--Thursday, Nov. 19.
In preparation for this, the Theatron club has chosen our team as the benefit for their service project for homecoming week. They are collecting canned beans, corn, instant potatoes, and possibly turkeys, as well as clothing. It's great to see how God is providing already.
Also, we are doing a coat and blanket drive this week. We will have boxes set up all over campus where students can drop off coats (sizes M-XL) and blankets. Consider bringing an item back from home with you tomorrow.
We do not want the boxes to overflow. If you see a full box, let me know and I may ask you to take the donations back to your dorm for the moment.
God is a great God, strong and able to provide. Let's trust Him.
Family in Need
Just a quick little update on the family in need. The children are just
adorable, cute as they can possibly be. The father is doing what he
believes is bes...
13 years ago